Prep H soon to be published authors

Prep H students publish their short story anthology to keep it as a class memory

Joanna S.

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cover by M. Ocali


Each Prep H student wrote a short story for their short story unit, and this big anthology was compiled on a computer as an iBook. Now the authors of the book are preparing to publish this short story anthology.

There are several reasons for preparing a printed copy of this anthology; first of all, it is a product of the creativity and hard work of the students, and having a concrete form of this product would be a wonderful privilege. Secondly, this book is something every parent would like to have in their archive, and finally, it is to be kept as a memory from their first year in ACI.

“Publishing may cost us more than we would like it to cost,” says D. Aras, Prep H student, “but we can always find a way to arrange the price; besides, it is worth it because once we publish it, we will be published authors!”

M. Van Mannekes, the editor of the iBook, states that it is good to have a published copy. “It is not only that we will have a printed copy of our story,” she says,  “but we will also get a chance to have the whole class’ anthology in our hands. That will be a great way of sharing.”

Being a published author will be a great experience, so all the Prep H students are looking forward to the printing process. A copy of the anthology will be available in the ACI library, for anyone that is interested.